Edges & Curves, Nothing In Between
Edges And Curves, Nothing In Between
Robyn Alatorre, Yael Balaban, Stephen Barnwell, Kate Carvellas, Sven Froekjaer, Rachel Gibson, aAimee Hertog, Jon Ives, Alex Jackson, Hugh Jones, Belinda Knetge, Lodiza Lepore, James Mai, Cathi Milligan, MOO/Monika Mori, Kathy Ostman-Magnussen, Greg Patch, Gregory Prescott, Kathleen Rackliffe, Emily Rutledge, Vivian Schupbach, Michael Verbenec, Marian Yap
An exhibition and silent
to benefit
The Haggus Society
Edges & Curves, Nothing In Between challenges the myth that cutting edge art is only made by young artists.
This event features the work of artists within and beyond U.S. borders, male and female, approximately 40 years and older.
This event features the work of artists within and beyond U.S. borders, male and female, approximately 40 years and older.
The Glass Studio
5052 York Boulevard
Highland Park, CA 90042
The Glass Studio is a working studio and gallery space located within the arts corridor in Historic Highland Park in Northeast Los Angeles. The Glass Studio is also a regular participant with NELA Arts Second Saturday Art Walk.
Cathi Milligan, the artist-proprietess
offers gallery space, mosaics, public and private art commissions, kiln
forming, jewelry, bead making, instructionj (classes) and supplies.
Cathi is also a Haggus Society Core Member.