WCA Peninsula Member Artists Online Exhibition
March 20th - April 30th 2022
Beginning Again - What could be more rejuvenating, exciting and joyous than the coming of Spring? The cold and frost disappear, trees start to bloom, and flowers pop up. Let’s begin again, refreshed from the previous year and ready to start anew.
Please look through our online gallery. Mouse over piece to view details. On phone, click on picture, then tap the tiny white or light gray box in the far lower right side of the screen to show title and details.
Note: on an Android tablet, click on picture, then use 2 fingers spread wide at bottom of image to activate detail panel.

In The beginning #1 - Marilynn J Host

Compassion - Anna Kim
Acrylic on canvas 30in x 40in

Patience - Kat Bergman

Desert Tree of Life - Lisa Evens
Watercolor 22in w x 15in h
A resplendent Joshua Tree is in full bloom. This watercolor was inspired by photos of ancient trees from around the world.

Earth Birth - Tanya Lin

Entering Redwood Shores - Lisa Evens
Watercolor - 16in w x 12in h
A path leads into the lush beauty of a Redwood Shores neighborhood.

Gratitude - Kat Bergman

Redwood Park in Bloom - Lisa Evens
Oil pastel on paper - 17in w x 14in h
The sun on vegetation in bloom stands out vividly against a backdrop of trees in shadow.

On the Way Down - Karen Cox
Trying To Make Sense Of It All - Marian Yap
Acrylic abstract painting on paper, Acrylic paint, gesso, paper - 10in x 14in

KOTOSHI - This Year - Marian Yap
acrylic, collaged paper, vintage thread on 12' x 12' gallery wrapped canvas

When This Is All Over - Marian Yap

Tranquility - Kat Bergman

In the Beginning #2 - Marilynn J Host

Philomela - Christine Cianci
Plaster Sculpture - 24x15x15
Philomela of myth, who metamorphosed into a bird to escape her tormentor. She began again as a nightingale.

In The Beginning #3 - Marilynn J Host

Clytie - Christine Cianci
Plaster Sculpture, painted with oils - 24x18x18
Clytie began again as a sunflower, forever watching Phoebus cross the sky in his chariot.

Poppies on the Ridge - Yvonne Newhouse

Spring at Hill Farm Pescadero - Yvonne Newhouse